Monday, December 31, 2007
The New Year
I can't believe that it is the end of 2007! Where does the time go? My New Year's resolution is to not make New Year's resolutions that I don't keep. One that I have already been working on is being more thankful. Thankful for all that God has done for me. I get so wrapped up in what other people think about me and what social status I have and am not thankful for what I have or where I am in life. So, I am going to be thankful that we are able to rent this nice mobile home for the time being at an affordable rent instead of an outrageous price on a rental house, there are alot of people who can't rent anything at all; my children are healthy and for the most part good kids; I work for a great company that is growing and get paid very well; we drive newer vehicles and do have a little cash in the bank; we eat out several times a week and have plenty of groceries at home, there are so many that don't have one meal. And most of all, Jesus died for me so that I could have all of this and more....He gives me life more abundantly!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
We finally got home last night around 7PM and spent 3 hours putting together Thomas the Train sets that Zach got from Santa! Our cat did not know how to take the motorized train running around the tracks. We had a great parents love the chance to play "Santa" again and wake up with the boys to open their gifts on Christmas morning. It was fun to see all of our friends and family although I think that I gained 10 pounds yesterday alone.....9AM breakfast @ Uncle Clay's, 11AM brunch (of sorts) @ Glenda & Don's (sister/brother-in-law), 12:30PM lunch (a feast really) @ friend's, Steve & Sharon, house. That combined with snacks on the road home....I was about to pop! I know that I am very blessed......
Friday, December 07, 2007
Feels Like Home
A little over a year ago I walked into New Hope Church not knowing a soul and sometimes wondered what on earth I was doing there...I felt out of sorts and not sure about what to do....but that has all changed I was helping out in the bookstore during the first night of our Christmas Celebration and Joseph was getting ready for his part in the production with the kids and I was talking to the other gals there I suddenly felt like I was I belonged there and I was very comfortable walking around and talking to people....last year Joseph would not hear of performing with the kids and he volunteered without any coaxing at all this year...I am so excited that the Lord has brought this wonderful church and the few friends that I have made into my life....I always have thought that it was important to have alot of friends and that the number of friends you have defines who you are to a certain level....what I have learned through this whole experience of moving to a place where I did not know anyone is that it truly is better to have a few close friends than a whole lot of acquaintances. I am so blessed to be able to add some great gals to my true friend list!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
We had a great time at my mom's house for Thanksgiving! We arrived Thursday just in time to go with my mom and dad to visit my step-siblings and their families...I ate entirely too much there....left there to go back to mom's and eat with our (VERY BIG) always amazes me how we can cram so many people into my mom's dining room and living room! Again, I ate too much! But what fun we had.....we always get together and sing....hymns, Christmas carols, old (and new) aunts and my mom are great singers and I love to hear all the my dad actually felt up to sitting with us and playing the guitar for our chorus production. He is a fantastic musician! I am glad he was feeling well children had a blast making cookies with Mimi...a Thanksgiving tradition that has gone on for years....all of the grandchildren gather in the dinning room with tons of cookie cutters, sugar cookie dough and lots of sprinkles to make their very own cookies.....they all had a blast and didn't even complain when I made them help clean up! We hated to leave and can't wait for Christmas!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Making Biscuits with Granny
My Granny (Joseph & Zach's Great-Granny (that name sounds very country doesn't it))came to visit this weekend. The boys had fun with her. Sunday morning they had to help her make biscuits for breakfast. They both wanted to go with her when she left! They were consoled by the fact that we will be in SC this weekend and we will get to see her again.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Fall in the Great Smokey Mountains
I have always loved fall (and spring) but since moving here it has a whole new meaning. This year's color hasn't been quite as pretty as last year but it is pretty just the same....the view on my way to work is truely undescribable. The moutains are directly in front of me and when the sun is shining on them it is amazing! It is a great reminder of what our God can do!
What a cute Puppy!
For Halloween Zach wore the costume my mom made for Joseph when he was two....a puppy! I wish that I had a picture of Joseph (or a scanner) on cd so that I could post it with this one....they were both very cute as a puppy...I am gald that I saved the costume. We had lots of fun this started with Family Fun Night at Joseph's school followed by Friend DAy at church, then Fall Free For All at church and then trunk or treat at the Smokies' baseball stadium....yes, we have a ton of candy!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Desk Duty
Through a series of unfortunate events (I have wanted to use that title for something) I have ended up working a 3-11 (thankfully cut down to 3-8) desk shift at the hotel. I thought that I would be able to catch up on some blogs but my memory of all the wonderful things that I have wanted to write about has failed me. And I do not have my camera here to post the very cute (if I do say so myself...biasedly of course) pictures of my children. To those of you who are reading this and have worked in the hotel industry you know that working the front desk after you have not worked it in 10 years is almost a fate worse than death. Fortunately it is very slow here today and I only have 2 arrivals! I am going to start reading my book now, a task that is sure to make the phone ring or a guest walk in the door.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Zach Gone Wild
For whatever reason Zach has decided to be the epitomy of rebellion since I got home from work! He hs been a crazy boy...first he poured a bag of dorito's on the floor and refused to pick them up....after much yelling and a spanking he finally obeyed...thus the picture of him vacuuming up the if that ordeal wasn't enough he proceeded to soak several wash cloths in the bath and throw them around the bathroom....I guess the bright side is that now I don't have to mop the bathroom...Is it bedtime, yet????
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I am Not smarter than a fifth grader.....
and am seriously wondering if I am smarter than a fourth grader. Joseph has been bringing home homework on the parts of a sentence but I am having a hard time helping him because all I know are nouns, pronouns, verbs and subjects! Can someone help me with predicates and simple predicates or how is a simple subject different from a regular subject?!?! Thankfully, the homework contains definitions! I am sure that this fits into what I know and has just taken on a different name.....and I have been thoroughly "encouraged" by others that "it doesn't get any easier"....I am not sure what I am going to do by the time he gets to middle school and high school...maybe I should go back to college and get that teaching degree after all:o)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Home Again
We made it back from Indiana today. We had alot of fun on our trip. The best part I have to say was the CHildren's Museum. It was INCREDIBLE! If we had known it was going to be so much fun, we would have skipped the zoo yesterday morning and spent the whole day there. There was SOSOSOSO much to see and do. It was definitely worth the $37 (total, which is really not that expensive) for us to get in. I can't wait to get our pictures developed and on a cd so that I can post some of them. We also had a lot fun walking around the city. If it weren't for all the traffic I might consider moving to a big city (don't worry, Mom, I haven't started packing or anything)! There is so much to do and see...I feel very fortunate to be able to take my children to different places.....I am more than blessed!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Day 2
Well, we have survived another day. Today while I was in meetings Dan took the boys to the state fair to see the Monster Truck show. After I came back we walked a few blocks to the Super Heroes museum. We had to ask directions 3 times before we finally found it. It was neat....alot of vintage Superman and Batman things. Of course we had to pay twice as much for a set of Batman matchbox cars just because they were from the museum! Dan and Joseph are enjoying the pool right now. I am going to take Zach down in a little while. I have to get all the use I can out of the $5 swim diaper (1 huggies little swimmer) that I had to buy in the hotel gift shop.....I should learn to pack them no matter where we are going! Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and maybe the Children's Museum. We are taking pictures but with disposable cameras because I forgot the digital. I will post pictures when I get them developed!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Today was our first day in Indianapolis. I had a few meetings but they did not take up much time. We are staying at the Embassy Suites (love those $39 employee rates..can't beat it! even though my work is paying for this trip), fortunately it is right across the street from where I need to be. Dan took the boys to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway today while I was gone...they had a blast at the Hall of Fame Museum. Our hotel is in downtown and connects to a huge mall. We went there today and "shopped 'til we dropped"...I may go back tomorrow:o)! While we were at the mall I noticed that across the street was a Steak and Shake which is one of my FAVORITE places to eat (love the Frisco melts)so we braved the cross walks and got take out for dinner. Zach had a melt down when we arrived back at the hotel. Everyone got to hear how well his lungs work and see him roll around on the floor....nothing like a 2 year old temper tantrum in the atrium of an upscale hotel! So, now after his second spanking of the day, we are going to bed before what little bit of sanity I have left is gone! Wonder what adventure we can find tomorrow!?!?!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My Birthday
Monday was my birthday....thanks to all of my friends and family who remembered me and made me feel special! This is the first birthday in our family that Zach really understands what is happening. He got the idea that birthdays are special so it automatically became his birthday. Anytime I (or anyone) would say that it was my birthday Zach would respond that it was his birthday. It was very funny to hear him argue.....I can hardly wait until Joseph's (in October) to see how Zach reacts to that...I probably should have some gifts for him to open.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Back to School
Monday (Aug. 20th) was Joseph's first day of school...I can't believe that he is in the 4th grade...where does the time go? He was really annoyed at me for taking pictures of him when we were getting ready to leave. I found out on Wed. that he already has a girlfriend. Her name is Rachel. I asked Joseph what they talked about and he said that all they say to each other is hello and good-bye. I'm wondering how it was determined that they were boyfriend/girlfriend if there is no other conversation. Too bad I can't keep the conversations to that kind of minimum as he gets older!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
One Year Already!
It is just a couple of weeks until we have lived in the great state of TN for one year. Our house is sold and the business is closed. This weekend we moved the stuff from the office and the rest of Dan's stuff to TN. While I am very excited that we all once again live under the same roof, I am a little unnerved with all the clutter in our little apartment. I told Dan that I am going to get a sign that declares us to be the new "Sanford & Son" and maybe even play the theme song. Of course he promises to declutter very soon.....I feel a HUGE garage sale coming on.
PS- we are not heavy drinkers...apparently the only place they could find boxes was the ABC Package store!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Future American Idol
Since my Dad owns a music store my children have never wanted for musical instruments. Zach has really taken to his guitar that "Pop" and "MiMi" gave him, and now doesn't do anything but "play" and sing! He has the ego down pat, too. Everytime I took a picture of him singing and playing he would say, "see me" and I would have to show him the picture. He is quite the little poser. Maybe if I invest in some lessons he will become famous and I can retire early!!
The Wisdom of a 9 Year Old
Joseph and I were driving the other day and I told him to let me listen to a song on the radio. Being the wise 9 year old he is, he used this to bring up the subject of doing two things at once by stating "Mom, you can do two things at once like read and watch TV" so I responded with you can't concentrate on what you are reading if you have the tv on. He said, "well, you can drive and listen to the radio at the same time. If you can't do two things at once you wouldn't be able to do that". I, in my 33 year old wisdom, conceded that I lost that discussion. However, he will still not be allowed to have the tv on while he is supposed to be reading just because "I said so" (I always hated that line growing up but it does come in handy now!!).
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Friends For Life
I am always thankful when God blesses me with new friends and He has given me some great friendships, but I am especially thankful that I still have my very best friend, Sherri! She and I have known each other since 6th grade and have alot of memories! I love it now that my children get to know her family and be friends with her neice and nephews. Sherri comes to visit me for girl's weekends and we don't do a thing except watch "chick flicks" and catch up on what's going on in our lives! It is so much fun to have a friendship that has deep roots! Her whole family came to visit a few months ago and we went to the Aquarium. All of the kids had a blast! I can't wait for the next 20 years of our friendship!
I was going through our pictures and I saw this picture of the boys with our (former) neighbor, Vernon. We became very close to Vernon after his wife died and he was alone. We would go over and check on him and take him dinner or snacks. He is a very special person and we miss him alot. I love the story about how he met his wife, Betty. He was in the military and she was a waitress at a restaurant where he was eating. They were married within a few weeks of meeting each other and were married for 60 years! The last time I saw Vernon he asked me if I would be offended if he gave me some of Betty's clothes! I was very honored that when Vernon finally was ready (after 2 years) to let go of some of Betty's things, he wanted to give them to me! Joseph and Zach loved Vernon, too. Joseph would always watch for his car to pull in his drive way so he could go check on him! Vernon has since moved in with his son (and we are in TN) but we think about him often and hope he is doing well.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Peace & Quiet
In an effort to save money by not having to pay a sitter this summer, Dan and I decided that the boys would be little travelers and go back and forth between here and SC with him. At first I thought that it would be great! They get to spend more time with Dan and I would have a little break from having to do, take care of the boys, keep the house clean (which never seems to happen except for the five minutes right after you get finished mopping the kitchen floor)!!, etc......Now that they have been gone for 3 days I realize that this wasn't such a good idea after all, at least not for me! They are having fun and don't seem to have any seperation anxiety, but I, on the other hand, am having a hard time! I miss them alot and wish they were here driving me crazy, pulling out every toy they own, spilling stuff on the freshly mopped floor and most of all wanting to cuddle at bedtime! I am sure that I will survive and they will be back this weekend to get my life back to "normal"! Oh, one good thing has happened as a result of them not being here....I cleaned out 2 boxes and a grocery bag full of toys along with a trash bag full of stuffed animals and gave them to the thrift store....Thus giving the "silver lining" to this temporary cloud!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Lunch with Friends
When I was home in SC this last weekend we were able to meet Joy, Nate and Henry for lunch at McDonald's (as all mom's know, your children get to dictate where you eat)! We had alot of fun....Zach was a wild man and Nate really hit it off with Joseph. I was so excited for Joseph and Zach to get to meet Nate and Henry. Hopefully we will get to do it again soon. Maybe next time Joy and I will have a chance to catch up with each other and not just catch our kids! By-the-way, Joy, we got the ginger bread man and he is the most annoying of the Shrek toys so far...just a warning in case you haven't gotten him, yet!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Potty Training 101
Well, I had hoped that Zach was going to be an easy potty trainee when at 18 months he knew how to stop pee-peeing mid stream and start again because he thought it was funny when we yelled for him to stop while changing his diaper! Any of you mom's with boys know the "shower" that I am talking about trying to avoid...HA!HA! But to my dismay he has been a challenge. We are now going through the "I don't want to wear a diaper stage" so every time I turn around Zach is running around naked (or with just a shirt) declaring that he is going to, has, or is in the process of going to the bathroom (#1 and #2 are both treated the same....we never know which we are getting until we hear him yell "poo"!). He also will bring me a diaper and wipes and lie down on the floor for me to change him. To this I declare that, "if you are able to bring this to me you are able to go potty", and this of course gets me a "NO"! He avoids the potty like some dreaded task! I have decided that this is one battle that I am not going to win (I'm wondering if I prayed for patience lately without thinking?!?!) so I will keep following him around the house picking up diapers and am considering buying stock in Pampers!!!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Two Year Old Words
I waited 7 years between having babies and I don't regret that at all, but I did forget alot of things about little thing that I didn't remember is how cute it is when they finally start to really talk! Zach is at the stage now where he repeats everything that we say. It is SO cute to hear him try and say words! Some of the things that we hear often are: bapple (apple), bape (grape), ue ruck (blue truck.....everything is a blue truck no matter what color it is), ace ar (race car), choo-choo ain (choo-choo train)...and the list goes on. It is so funny each time he attempts something new....we all stop and laugh and of course ask him to say it again! I will add that the one word that he definitely has down pat is NO! Actually, that and look (ook) I believe were his first words. He is so cute (even if I do say so myself) and we love watching him grow and learn....
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
God is our Healer
I know that I have emailed everyone but I just can't stop celebrating over God healing my (step)Dad! I had been so worried about him being diagnosed with lung cancer on top of all the other health problems! A couple of weeks ago during our Sunday church service I really prayed for him and God gave me peace that He is our healer no matter where (here on earth or in heaven) that He gives the healing. Yesterday it was so exciting to find out that God truly had healed the name, Jehovah Rapha, is very real to me....God has proved Himself once again in His faithfulness and graciousness! He is without a doubt our Healer!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Who we are...
Our Pastor speaks alot about defining our "worth"ship thru worship and I must say that this is something that really speaks to my heart. I have often found myself not feeling adequate or out of place...maybe even inferior to everyone else.....most of my life I have defined who I was by what kind of things I had....what kind of house my family lived in, the kind of clothing I wore, what kind of cars we drove.....especially in JR high and high school, I always wanted to be someone else and went to great lengths to try and hide reality because I felt that me and my family were not "normal". I thought that we went thru things and struggles that no one else did. Even though I am a fairly successful adult, I still carried some of those same feelings and have struggled with it.....but now listening to our Pastor I have realized that I need to start listening to more of what God wants from me and less to the world that tells me that who I am is in how big my house is, what name brands I wear and how many friends I have. While there are some things that I would like to have, I realize that unless I learn to be thankful for what I have and enjoy the blessings that God has already given me, I will never be satisfied and my life will end up with alot of regret.....and that I want friends that like me for me and not for the things I have or neighborhood I live in.....So, I am very happy to say that the Lord is helping me define who I am and I am excitd about the places He wants to take me and my family! I know that he will deliver us from this little apartment soon!!! I also want to say thank you to all of my friends that let me share in their lives and show me that I am not so "abnormal" after all!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Burning the Midnight Oil
Well, it is 2AM and to my dismay and dissappointment (I had rather hoped to be in very deep stages of REM sleep at this moment) I am wide awake! The last two nights Zach has run a fever and it seems the Motrin that I gave him has given him a new found energy in the middle of the night! We have played for two hours now and he has finally decided to go to bed. Hopefully soon I will be able to follow. Hope everyone is having sweet dreams!
Monday, April 09, 2007
A New Post At Last!
What craziness my life has been lately!!! Please, friends, don't say, "what's new" have to have at least one crazy friend in this makes things interesting! Well, I'll start with Washington, DC....that was an interesting trip.....thanks Keyonna and Sandy for driving me around our beautiful capitol without getting me arrested or in a car accident, although the argument with the parking attendant made me a little nervous (HA!HA! I think he had one too many validations that day).....the metro ride was definitely an experience in city culture.....I really was OK with it until a strange guy plopped down beside me on day 2 and then a group of young teens surrounded me on day 4....I think their primary goal was to see how many curse words they could use in a sentence. So much for minding my own business and keeping to myself....the cab rides were an interesting venture as well.....actually they were uneventful until day 3 when the cab driver kept asking me for directions to where I was going...go's a good thing that I had taken the same ride several days in a row and I knew where I needed to go because he did not have a clue......all in all I had a great visit.....however, I don't believe I want to ever go to the Cherry Blossom Festival (or whatever it is called) by Wednesday night my allergies were in full swing and by the time I got home I had to stay in bed for two days because I felt so bad.....they were very pretty but did not do me any favors!!!! I am sure that there is alot of other things I am leaving out about my trip....oh, like the walk three blocks too far on my trek to find Feline's Basement (an upscale Fashion Shack) only to turn around in defeat and see that it was diagonally across from the hotel from wence I came!!!! Seriously, though, I had a great time sight seeing with Keyonna and her friend, my new friend, Sandy....maybe next time I can come and visit without having to go to class all day!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Zach's First Haircut

Well, I finally broke down and took Zach for a haircut! I could not bring myself to let her cut off all of the curls, though. A couple of the other gals in there asked if I was getting the curls cut because if I was they were not going to watch!! Zach was very good for his haircut...of course the seat that looks like a car helped A WHOLE LOT! Now if I could just figure out how to get him to behave while I get a haircut?!?!?!?!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Zach's Twin
I think that most everyone got my email and the pictures of Zach and his "twin" at Books-A-Million, but for those of you who didn't, here they are! That experience was so NEAT! What are the odds that something like that would happen...right down to the shirt?? Zach had alot of fun playing with his "twin" for about an hour....good thing the other boy's name was David....I'm not sure what we would have done if they had had the same name!
The Holidays
Well, the holidays are past and I am glad that the hustle and bustle is over but sad that it will be a while before I see everyone again...we started a new tradition this year....we spent the night at my parents house on Christmas Mom of course loved that we were there on Christmas morning and that Santa once again visited her house on Christmas Eve! We decided to do this because we didn't have a tree (or very much furntiure) at our house in Anderson and I thought it would be more fun for the boys if they had decorations! I really had fun running around to all of our family's houses and I video taped everything this year...Dan got me a video camera for Christmas and I love it! I hope all of you, my friends, had a very Merry Chirstmas and have a Happy New Year (beginning today)! Remember to count your blessings and remember just how good (and gracious) God is to all of us!
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