Sunday, September 25, 2011

Radical Obedience

I have been reading another book by Lysa Terkeurt called What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. This book is all about being radically obedient to Christ and the things that He asks us to do in our daily lives. Essentially, giving our whole lives to Him, asking Him how we should handle every decision, situation, and choice that we have to make. And then following through with the answer that He gives us whether it was what we had planned or not.

I would like to say that I read this book, did the Bible study and became radically obedient the minute I was finished. However, I am about 3/4 through the book, have not done the Bible study part of it yet, and failed at a simple little thing that I felt God calling me to do tonight. And, what's worse is that I had asked God for the very thing that I would be disobedient about.

Now before anyone thinks that I am going to live with this and let it affect how I move forward, I know that there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1), and that Jesus forgives me for this mishap and will give me many more opportunities to be radically obedient for Him.

The song that I blogged about in an earlier post truly speaks to me and is my life song for this moment in my life. Waiting here for God is how I would characterize the place I am in because I need His direction on choices that I need to make, I want Him to move and change some of the circumstances of my life right now, and I absolutely want Him to move in my children's lives. But He keeps telling me to wait. I keep asking what I'm waiting for and He keeps telling me "Me". So I am waiting.....

While I have been waiting (and listening to this song over and over), I have been asking God for intimate times with Him. Deeper worship and clarity of what He is telling me. He is answering that prayer. Some days it is all I can do to not walk around with my hands lifted in the air in praise to Him, or just stay flat on my face before Him, asking for more of Him in my life.

Today was no exception. I really wanted to have a deeper worship experience with Him in our corporate worship at church. Don't get me wrong, I kneel and raise my hands and pray to Him when I'm alone. I think those moments are very important. But I also believe that there is something to be said for believers gathering together to give praise to our God. Today I wanted to sit at the alter, at Jesus' feet and worship Him.

So, I prayed, "Jesus, let tonight's service be about worship. Let us sing that song that is resonating within my heart and let me sit at the alter in quiet worship of you". And guess what, He answered me. Only instead of taking this opportunity to do what I had longed to do, I stood in front of my seat and refused the opportunity to sit at His feet. I can't really give you a good reason why. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was wondering what others would think, maybe it was a lot of things. But I know one thing, I missed this opportunity for God to whisper His love for me into my heart. I do not believe that this was the last opportunity that I will have, but it is also one that I can't get back.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss too many of those moments. I want to be more like Mary and sit at Jesus feet and soak up His love for me rather than being like Martha, being so busy or distracted that I can't focus on what is in front of me....Jesus, desiring a relationship with me, Jesus wanting to give me the good gifts that our Father has promised us, Jesus with arms open wide determined to let me know that He loves me.

Father thank you for missed opportunities that teach me lessons and ultimately will draw me closer to You as You teach me about being radically obedient. Not that I want to walk in rebellion Lord but that when I do mess up, when I do fail, You will still work the situation out for good because I am called according to Your purposes, and Your will, will be carried out in my life. Help me God to be radically obedient to You!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Without Water

Well, we survived yesterday without water. I bought 5 gallons of water plus one case (equal to about 3.16 gallons) and already had a half case of water at home. The total was around 9.75 gallons of water and we used it all! Talk about a lesson in how much water we use in a day....

I'll spare you the details of this little adventure, but think Little House on the Prairie and pouring water into pots to boil and tubs and sinks! And, I do not recommend washing your hair with bottles of's cold and difficult to rinse (LOL), I skipped conditioner!

As I was thinking about this today, I thought isn't it good to know that we have another source of water? One that won't ever run out, spring a leak, or be depleted? One that we don't have to buy or earn or search for...we just have to be willing to drink, take Him in and let Him fill us with His fountain of living water. So even though things on this earth may cause us inconvenience, Jesus never fails to give us as much Water (His presence in our lives) as we will drink.

Father thank You for Your Son and that He provides a well for us that will never run dry. Fill up our thirsty souls with the power of Your word and Your presence in our lives. Let us be satisfied with You!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Psalm 130:5

We had a great weekend! Friday I had a fabulous time with our GNO (girls night out) gals from church, Saturday the boys had soccer games. Joseph's team won, but I'm still not sure Zach's team even showed up.LOL. They definitely were not playing their best, but it's not all about winning, anyway. Sunday I got to worship with some dear friends of mine who are visiting from SC. We also had lunch together and then they came to our house to hang out with us a little while. They will be here all week so I am excited to see them for lunch one day, too!

Then I went to church Sunday night and Pastor Tom introduced us to a new song by Christy Nockels, Waiting Here for You. What a powerful worship song that spoke to exactly where I am right now. This will for sure become one of my "life songs" as Jesus continues to work in my life and move me forward in all that He has for me and my boys! There is one thing that I have been praying about and asking God to change. I believe that He already has His plan for this in motion, I just need to wait on Him and prepare myself for the blessing that He is going to bring.

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
         And in His word I do hope.

Father our hope is in You! Help us to delight ourselves in You (Psalm 37:4) and believe that YOU have our best interest in Your heart. We wait for You Lord with expectation and believe that You will give us our hearts desires. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My First 5K

On Friday September 2nd, I ran my first 5K race with a group my sister joined called First Flight. The group was set up for beginners that have never ran a race before. They are so encouraging and motivating. I was always jealous of their group runs during training that I was too far away from!

I have to admit that I was concerned about the race because 1- I had not (I thought) trained enough 2- I am much more inclined to run on the treadmill rather than outside. The few times that I did attempt to run outside were not that successful!

But, I finished the race. 41.18 minutes....which is faster than my "normal" time. It was a lot of fun and not as hard as I had expected. However, I did walk some on the way back up (which actually makes me feel better about my time). The first 1 1/2 miles (approx.) seemed very easy. When I turned to go back up is when the trouble started. I started to feel nauseous so I started walking, when I started walking I got really hungry...go figure! But eventually I walked/ran my way to the finish line.....

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

New Every Morning

I was listening to the song "One Life to Love" by 33 Miles today. I loved that song when it first came out but haven't listened to it in a while. It's about loving the life you have and only having one chance to make the most of it.

I am so guilty of not making the most of every moment and living in the shadow of my regrets rather than moving forward and enjoying the life I have at this moment.

Lamentations 3:22-23 says:
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness"

No matter what choices I have made or regrets I have, God's love does not fail me. He does not hold my mistakes or sin against me but shows me mercy and gives me a new start every morning. While I was listening to that song, I could "hear" the Lord telling me to stop living in regret. It wasn't an audible voice, but was One that spoke straight to my heart, the still small voice that you know has to be the voice of God.

God wants the same from you, too. He redeems and changes situations in order to prove His faithfulness and that He is a God that keeps His promises. Don't live in regret another day, being it all to Him and lay it down. Move forward in all that God has for you.

Father I thank you that Your mercies are new every morning and that Your mercies never run out on us. You are faithful, and compassionate. Because of this the pain of our past or the thoughts of regrets will not consume us. We will be set free if we surrender these regrets and things of the past to You. Bring Your healing Lord and help us make the most of every new day You give us. In Jesus name, amen.