Monday, April 20, 2009


Like most preschoolers, Zachary likes to watch Noggin. We watch it ALL the time and love most of the shows. However, last night we were watching the Backyardigans and I was very disturbed to see that they were promoting Greek gods. It so happens that it was raining and two of the characters wanted it to stop so they decided that they needed to go and ask the goddess of weather to make it stop. They proceded to go up into the clouds where they met the god of laughter and the god of naps. Both of which tried to make them laugh and take a nap. When one of the characters refused the god chased them around trying to force them until the character offered an offering to the god. I did not make it to see what happened when they reached the god of weather. I am a Christian and I try to live my life accordingly. I don't beat people over the head with theology or try to persuade them to believe as I do because I think that my life should be the example. I will defend my faith and tell of how it has changed my life. I guess what I want to know now is, why can television teach our kids to pray to other gods but it better not even remotely mention or reference the God who created it all?? Just my thoughts today. I don't think that we will watch the Backyardigans anymore.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our spring break this year did not turn out exactly as we had planned but we did have alot of fun. We started out headed to the beach but that got changed through a series of events andwe ended up doing a variety of things.

We stayed at my parents house from Friday until Tuesday. There we had an Easter egg hunt with family and friends. The kids all had a good time coloring eggs and then eventually throwing them up against trees (all I can say is that they are boys!!). Joseph got to visit his friends Cameron and Colby. I got to visit with Sherri and Jen (Sherri and I were SO glad to catch up with you, Jen!!!). After the egg hunt Sherri, Jen and me went to Applebee's in Seneca to catch up.

Wednesday my sister and her family came up for a couple of days. Thursday we went to Dollywood for the WHOLE day. We also got to hang out with Bryan, Joy, Nate and Henry...we had such a good time.

Friday after my sister left we went to the library, and I tried to take the boys on a picnic but neither of them thought that a picnic was a fun idea, so, we ditched that idea and spent the afternoon at the flea market. Later, we met our friends from SC for dinner.

Today, I have cleaned the house, caught up the laundry and, can you believe, am writing a blog post!!?!?! I think I will get ahead on some homework now so that I won't have so much to do next week.