Monday, May 07, 2007

Potty Training 101

Well, I had hoped that Zach was going to be an easy potty trainee when at 18 months he knew how to stop pee-peeing mid stream and start again because he thought it was funny when we yelled for him to stop while changing his diaper! Any of you mom's with boys know the "shower" that I am talking about trying to avoid...HA!HA! But to my dismay he has been a challenge. We are now going through the "I don't want to wear a diaper stage" so every time I turn around Zach is running around naked (or with just a shirt) declaring that he is going to, has, or is in the process of going to the bathroom (#1 and #2 are both treated the same....we never know which we are getting until we hear him yell "poo"!). He also will bring me a diaper and wipes and lie down on the floor for me to change him. To this I declare that, "if you are able to bring this to me you are able to go potty", and this of course gets me a "NO"! He avoids the potty like some dreaded task! I have decided that this is one battle that I am not going to win (I'm wondering if I prayed for patience lately without thinking?!?!) so I will keep following him around the house picking up diapers and am considering buying stock in Pampers!!!

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