Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year

I can't believe that it is the end of 2007! Where does the time go? My New Year's resolution is to not make New Year's resolutions that I don't keep. One that I have already been working on is being more thankful. Thankful for all that God has done for me. I get so wrapped up in what other people think about me and what social status I have and am not thankful for what I have or where I am in life. So, I am going to be thankful that we are able to rent this nice mobile home for the time being at an affordable rent instead of an outrageous price on a rental house, there are alot of people who can't rent anything at all; my children are healthy and for the most part good kids; I work for a great company that is growing and get paid very well; we drive newer vehicles and do have a little cash in the bank; we eat out several times a week and have plenty of groceries at home, there are so many that don't have one meal. And most of all, Jesus died for me so that I could have all of this and more....He gives me life more abundantly!

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