Monday, May 10, 2010

Beta Club Induction

I am SO proud of Joseph for being invited to join Beta Club. He is a very smart boy even though it is hard to get him to show it sometimes (lol). And, I was really impressed with the ceremony at his school. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. Both led by students. A girl (the in coming Beta Club President) got up and sang "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns. For some people, I know, that this is politically incorrect, BUT it is things such as this that make me proud of Sevier County. As a matter of fact, most events (Chamber of Commerce meetings, Lodging Association Meetings and my Leadership Meetings) incorporate prayer at some point. It's too bad that a lot of other places and organiations have gotten away from this habit. Oh, and have I mentioned that Sevier County schools allow a group of Christians, Club Truth, to come in and talk to our students every other Thursday during the school year. Not only is academic acheivement promoted, spiritual acheivement is encouraged as well. I am looking forward to this new adventure for Joseph and hopefully the man that it will help develop in him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell Joseph I am so proud of him!