We were very fortunate to be able to go on a second vacation to Cocoa Beach, Fl last week. We had a great time at Sea World, Universal Studios and of course, the beach! I have a couple of tips for those who may want to venture to these places:
1- Buy the meal deal at Universal. For $19.99 per adult and $9.99 per child you can eat all day long at 4 select restaurants in Universal Studios. For about what you would spend on one meal there, you can eat all day, unlimited.
2- At Sea World and Universal, spend the $8-$10 to buy the refillable drink cups. Refills are $1.70 at SeaWorld and only .69 cents at Universal. You can also buy a refill mug with the meal deal at Universal ($8.99) and the refills at the select restaurants are free (unlimited, all day).
3- Buy the fast pass option at Universal Studios. It costs $36 per person but it cuts your wait time in line to 5-15 minutes instead of 30-60 minutes. We did this and were able to do everything in the park in one day. The boys' favorite was the Woody Woodpecker rollercoaster....I rode it 5 times with them!
4- Stand in line early for the shows at Sea World and sit up front (maybe 3/4 rows up...just level with the tank). You get a great view of the show and there is a 95% chance that you will get soaked! If you sit on the first 2/3 rows you can't see what goes on on top of the water. The shows are AWESOME.
5- Of course, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN. The spray kind works great and is really easy to use. All you have to do is spray the kids down every couple of hours. The stick kind is great for the face!
The pictures are of Joseph being a surfer dude, Zach asleep with his dolphin that we got at Sea World, the boys with Woody Woodpecker in their "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" t-shirts and Zach digging in the sand.
1 comment:
I just love the picture of Zach asleep with the Dolphin. That is just precious!!!!!
love ya
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