Thursday, March 08, 2012

Be Amazed

Psalm 40:5
"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare" (NIV)

I must confess that I have a a bit of writers block lately when it comes to blogging. I feel like I always write about the same things, plus, my NT class took up a lot of time. I'm still debating as to whether I am going to post my thoughts on Peter. I'm waiting to see my professor's input. If he says, "it stinks", then I'll spare you all the torture ;p.

Today, however, I am going to share.

A few months ago, I distinctly heard the Lord speak to my spirit and say "be amazed by Me".

At first I thought He meant those words to indicate the way He will send my "Prince Charming" because that was what I had been praying about in that moment. But, as I have thought about those words I realize that the Lord not only means for me to be amazed by the way He will answer that specific prayer, but also to be amazed by the things that He does for me everyday.

To give testimony to this, here are two things that happened yesterday that reminded me to "be amazed" by Him.

Zach has cavities. To be exact, four that needed filling and another that needs a root canal. The first two fillings cost me $230 after insurance. Yesterday he had an appointment to do one of the other cavities. It was supposed to cost $110 (after insurance). When I got to the dentist I was sure to tell everyone that I came in contact with that we were only filling one cavity. The dentist came in and started working on Zach. After a while the dentist's assistant looked up and said "he went ahead and filled both cavities". I went into a panic because I was not prepared to anti-up another $230 yesterday, but before I could express my panic the assistant clarified and said he wasn't charging me for the second one. He said it was just easier to go ahead and do them both rather than have Zach come back and go through all that again.

We headed to check out and the dentist was there telling the receptionist how to code our bill, and the receptionist looked at me and said, "today is $45". I asked her if she was sure, and she said positive. Not only did I not have to pay for one of the fillings, the one I thought was going to be $110 was only $45. WOW!

Round two of amazement: Joseph had an unexpected doctor's appointment yesterday. Now, it was on a less grander scale cost wise, but still would have been a $30 co-pay. After seeing the doctor we went to check with the receptionist about making an appointment for Joseph's referral to a specialist. With everything else going on, I never thought about, and the receptionist didn't ask me for the co-pay before I left. After I got home I called them back but they were already closed. I left them a message. When Brook called me back this morning she said that I had a credit on my account and that is why they didn't ask me for payment. I had no idea!

Now $30 isn't a great deal of money, but God doesn't just speak to us in grandeur. More times than not, He speaks to us in the small things, but we fail to see it because it isn't flashing in neon lights or a brilliant display of something He has done.Or, it isn't an answer to one of our more prominent prayers.

Still no "prince charming" or answers to the other things that weigh on my mind and in my heart, but the Lord did answer a prayer that I often mutter in haste, one that is routine and often taken for granted..."Lord take care of me and my boys. Make provision for us and supply all our needs". I needed that reminder of how He does answer my prayers everyday, and that I should be amazed by how faithful my God is to me.

Be amazed by the Lord today, especially in the small things. You don't have to look very hard.

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