This time last week we were on our way to SC for Zachary's birthday. We had an idea that the weather might turn nasty but we wanted everyone to celebrate with us so we came anyway. Well, the weather did get yucky but not before we had a super FUN party at Chick-fil-a! While the snow was falling we decided that it would be better for us to head back to TN in case it was alot worse Sunday. As it turned out, the roads were fine and the weather turned out not so bad. Hopefully we can come back soon and have more fun with our family and friends! Tuesday we got another dose of winter weather and it was not the fun snowy kind. We got up and got ready for work and school as usual, and we were about to head out the door when we got the automated call saying that school was cancelled. Since I had not turned on the TV I did not have a clue that everything in the county was iced over! So the boys got to stay home and I didn't have to go to work until lunch time (very nice). Wednesday and Thursday there was also a two hour delay and we got to sleep a little later. Friday we were back on schedule and looking forward to Saturday
Friday, January 25, 2008
Bad Weather Week
This time last week we were on our way to SC for Zachary's birthday. We had an idea that the weather might turn nasty but we wanted everyone to celebrate with us so we came anyway. Well, the weather did get yucky but not before we had a super FUN party at Chick-fil-a! While the snow was falling we decided that it would be better for us to head back to TN in case it was alot worse Sunday. As it turned out, the roads were fine and the weather turned out not so bad. Hopefully we can come back soon and have more fun with our family and friends! Tuesday we got another dose of winter weather and it was not the fun snowy kind. We got up and got ready for work and school as usual, and we were about to head out the door when we got the automated call saying that school was cancelled. Since I had not turned on the TV I did not have a clue that everything in the county was iced over! So the boys got to stay home and I didn't have to go to work until lunch time (very nice). Wednesday and Thursday there was also a two hour delay and we got to sleep a little later. Friday we were back on schedule and looking forward to Saturday
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Trip to the Dentist
Yesterday we all had dentist appointments to get our teeth cleaned and have a checkup. We had hoped that we could coax Zach into letting them have a look at his teeth (this was his first visit) but our efforts were in vain. We started at 10AM with appointments for two of us. Dan and Zach were supposed to go first. Dan got settled into his chair and the hygenist went to work while I wrestled with Zach and told him how fun it would be to let the other girl look at his teeth. Finally we decided to go ahead with my cleaning. Zach took much joy in watching her "tickle" my teeth with the different instruments. There were times she could not work because of his little head being almost in my mouth. She even let him try out the little tool that sucks the water out but that still did not convince him to let her work on him. We gave up that time and decided that when we came back at 2 (for our other 2 appointments) he might change his mind. Joseph came in and took his place but Zach still would not cooperate. One time we got him in the chair but that only lasted about 30 seconds. After Joseph was finished there was a slight war over his surprises. Of course Zach wanted all the things that Joseph received from the hygenist. After a tantrum on the floor we managed to get to the car. Thanks to everyone in Dr. Nave's office for being so patient with us! Maybe at our next cleaning Zach will be ready.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
What is up with the new generatoin???
Can someone please tell me why 20 somethings first of all want a job but don't want to work? Why do they think that everyone owes them something just because they walk in and apply for a job? Also, why do they think that entry level positions should start at $30 to $40K a year? I am so frustrated with employees who think that they deserve the world but don't want to prove why the deserve the world!!! When I first started working I had to prove myself to my employer BEFORE I was given a raise and certainly before I was promoted to any level. And, seniority meant something. I didn't walk in off the street making more than people currenlty employeed by the company. I don't understand today's work ethic! Actually, there is not work ethic. People quit without notice and don't care how that effects their employment history and change jobs at the drop of a hat. It took me alot of years (including the 2 I took off with Zach)and alot of hard work to earn my excellent salary and current management title! Whatever happened to paying your dues and working your way up throuh the ranks?!?!?! I sincerely hope that I can instill in my children the value of working hard and taking pride in the work you perform and not just jumping from job to job because the "grass looks greener on the other side"!
Monday, January 07, 2008
1st Day of Preschool
Zach went to preschool today. He was very excited. First we dropped Joseph off at his school where Zach had to tell him good bye and love you at least 3 times followed by a fish kiss (sucking your cheeks in and making your lips pucker) and a big big hug. I thought Joseph was not going to be able to get out of the car. Finally, we got to Zach's school and he seemed to change his mind about going to school. I had to coax him out of the car by telling him, "let's go in and see if they have a choo choo train". Thus, choo choo trains are the cure all for us. When we got inside he grabbed my hand and held on. But once we got to his class he walked right in and forgot that I was there! Mostly because another little boy was playing with a Deigo helicopter like one Zach has at home. For a moment I felt sad as he started playing. I remember feeling that same way as Joseph marched into preschool without looking back. :o( I did manage not to cry...but the day isn't over, yet!
Friday, January 04, 2008
What a Week!
Wow, this has been a very busy week! Our company took over management of two more hotels this week bringing our total to 6. We are very excited about our growth but it has been very hectic making employee schedules and getting all of our procedures in place. Also, Dan was gone pretty much the whole week working for a car dealer friend of his. He flew out to Seattle, WA, Sunday and drove back (2796 miles!). So, not only was I working ALOT of hours, I had to be sole care giver and chauffer of Joseph and Zach. Thankfully, I have a great staff already in place at the Comfort Inn that could handle most things there and some great friends who let Joseph and Zach spend the night with the them Tuesday (our first day at the new hotels)...thanks Sandy and Gerie. I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow but I won't get my hopes up too much because Saturdays are the only days that Joseph and Zach wakeup early. I can't figure out why I can't get them out of bed during the week when we have to get up, and they get up at the crack of dawn when we can sleep in????
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Finally, Potty Training 102!
I thought that Zach would never go to potty on his own but the last couple of days he has finally caught on! However, he will only go for #1....when it comes to #2 he asks for a diaper! At least we are half way there....and just in time because he is starting full time preschool on Monday. He is so excited about it. I hope that enthusiasm continues when I go to leave him there.
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