Saturday, April 08, 2017

Prepared for Battle

If you are reading this, then please say a prayer for our family....actually, say more than one prayer as we are in one of the toughest battles of our lives, a war that has been waged against the success and well being of Joseph.

If you are my friend on Facebook or have read this blog, you already know how proud I am of Joseph for getting accepted and going to school at the University of TN. He hoped so much to be able to go to school here, and God gave him that desire. Joseph wanted to get into their architecture and interior design program, and guess what? God did not let him down.

However, the enemy of our souls waged a war against Joseph. He convinced Joseph through someone that he trusts that he needs to be out from under my "control." That there are "better" things for him in SC where he has freedom to come and go, freedom to make his own decisions...sort of sounds like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, doesn't it?

Scott and me had a long conversation with Joseph's dad yesterday, and if what he says is true, he is on our side. I pray today for Joseph to have ears to hear and eyes to see the truth through the deception that is blinding him. For him to be able to discern what is the good and acceptable word of God from the lies that the enemy if filling his head with. That like Elisha's servant, the Lord will open his eyes to see the army that God has placed around him to deliver him rather than allow him to become captive (2 King 6).

This is a battle where the armor of God needs to be worn proudly and boldly, it is a battle that I don't want to fight, a battle that I didn't see coming. God has given Joseph the desires of his heart, it breaks my heart to see the enemy try to snatch those desires and close the doors God has opened.

Please pray, and pray hard, my friends. This battle is not against the person who is influencing Joseph, it is against the principalities, powers, and darkness of the rulers of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places that have said Joseph belongs to them. But, I say Joseph belongs to Jehovah, he belongs to El Shadday, God Almighty, Who knows the plans He has for Joseph and has set those plans in motion.


Unknown said...

Friend - I STAND with you in this war. The war rages, but HIS victory prevails! XO

Ashley said...

Standing with you in prayer! Petitioning our Heavenly Father to make HIS path clear to Joseph and for the enemy to remove any hold over Joseph in Jesus name!!!

Unknown said...

Praying with you And agreeing with you in Jesus name!!