Sunday, October 01, 2006

Baseball Zach

It seems that Zachary will follow in Joseph's baseball footsteps! I have tried to get rid of Joseph's old cleats for sometime but Zachary for some reason has taken to wearing them. It is so funny to see him come walking through the house with those old shoes on that are about 5 sizes too big! He also loves to wear the hat and play with the glove! I think that he is going to be a pitcher! He will throw his little arm back like he is going to send the ball flying (it actually only goes a couple of feet). Too bad we won't be in SC for him to be an Angel!!! Joseph will be playing ball here in the spring, but it won't be the same! I definitely will miss laughing at Stacy when she really wants to jump out of the bleachers on to the field!!!! I know that there are more memories to be made, but to all of my Baseball Mom friends, thanks for 3 great years and I miss you already!!!

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